Jason Bourne – Return of the Real Spy

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat Jason Bourne AKA David Webb is in my opinion cinema’s greatest spy. His skills in badassery have graced our screen for 14 years and his tortured soul has proven the ultimate thing to dissect on the screen. There’s such a thing as the “Bourne formula” which all the movies have followed since The […]

The Nice Guys – Supreme Comedy Noir

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat Shane Black is a fantastic writer. For me that is a fact that is undeniable. With the likes of Lethal Weapon, The Last Action Hero and The Long Kiss Goodnight all being penned by Black. But it wasn’t until Kiss Kiss Bang Bang that Black showed his directorial prowess as well. With The Nice Guys he has once again captured […]

Classic Review: ’71 (2014)

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat In October of 2014 I ventured to the cinema in the UK (I was there on an exchange program). ’71 was a movie I had been following closely for months for two reasons. One it had one of the hottest new young actors in it in the form of Jack O’Connell. Secondly […]

Creed – Like Father, Like Son

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat Boxing films are always the ultimate redemption stories. The movies that led the way for all other boxing movies was Rocky, Sylvester Stallone led movie that won Best Picture at the Oscars and is beloved by millions. In Creed we probably have the best Rocky movie since the original with a fantastic duo […]