In this topical and timely new thriller, PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN immediately starts with Cassie (Carey Mulligan) out for revenge after her best friend was sexually assaulted and finds her prey in a unique way; she lures unsuspecting men to be attracted to her and WANTS her male counterparts to not only realize the error of […]
Blu Ray
Facebook & Twitter Contest – Win PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN on Blu Ray from Universal Home Video Canada!
Hey Canada! It’s another Get Reel Giveaway! Head on over to our Facebook or Twitter pages to win yourself a copy of the new release PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN starring Carey Mulligan. ABOUT: From visionary director Emerald Fennell (Killing Eve) comes a delicious new take on revenge. Everyone said Cassie (Carey Mulligan) was a promising young […]
LAST CALL on Blu Ray – A Unique Connection in 75 Minutes
In the world of independent movies and film festival submissions, there can be a moment of exhaustion when you get a copy of a movie you have not only never heard of before but don’t have much to go on based on its description on the back cover, even when you see a smaller movie […]
MAX CLOUD Blu Ray Review – Scott Adkins & Side-Scrollers
It’s always great when a movie I have never heard of suddenly arrives on my doorstep, and the fun looking MAX CLOUD featuring the terrific action star Scott Adkins on the cover. Adkins is quite an overlooked action star with many smaller budget movies to his name Part of a trilogy featuring the title character […]
Facebook Contest: Win a copy of THE CROODS: A NEW AGE on Blu Ray from Universal!
Yes our faithful Get Reel Movies friends, we are doing another contest and this time with our friends over at Universal Pictures and Taro PR. We have a few Blu Ray copies of THE CROODS: A NEW AGE, the new sequel to the animated hit THE CROODS, and we want to get some physical Blu […]
FREAKY on Blu Ray – Get Your Killer Switch On
If you’re a fan of filmmaker Christopher Landon’s HAPPY DEATH DAY movies (I am!) his new movie FREAKY will not disappoint whatsoever. It’s quite refreshing to see a movie that doesn’t apologize for its gore or even going over the top in its comedy, either, and it also comes from one of my favorite production […]
LET HIM GO on Blu Ray – A Throwback To Adult Themed Movies
Based on the Larry Watson novel of the same name, LET HIM GO was one of my favourite films of 2020 and was lucky to see theatrically. This throwback to family dramas with western motifs feels rare in this day and age of franchise superhero movies and is ultimately refreshing throughout to see an adult-oriented […]
COME PLAY Blu Ray Review – Come & Play With Us, Larry
Think your screens are watching you? In COME PLAY, not only are they watching you, they also want you to meet Larry. The story follows these devices which begin to haunt a young austistic boy named Oliver (a terrific Azhy Robertson) who is already having troubles at school with communicating through his phone and dealing […]
Train To Busan Presents Peninsula – 4k Blu Ray Review
Any fans of the original TRAIN TO BUSAN, which is currently streaming on Amazon Prime if you haven’t seen it yet, will immediately be sold on the sequel PENINSULA (also including a TRAIN TO BUSAN PRESENTS title beforehand), which is in the world of the same zombie apocalypse taking place as the first movie but […]
If anyone knows me, I am much of a jokester about the Marvel Cinematic Universe and make puns on the sameness of all of the movies and the fans that only arrive in droves to see these movies and nothing else. As someone who journeys to film festivals and is at the movies 3-4 times […]