HotDocs 2018 Interview – WOMEN OF THE VENEZUELAN CHAOS director Margarita Cadenas

“My movie is about five women from Venezuela, from different backgrounds and generations. They draw a portrait of a chaotic society and allow us to take the pulse of a population in distress. It represents a sort of barometer of the worsening critical situation in this Latin American nation.” Director Margarita Cadenas on WOMEN OF […]

HotDocs 2018 Interview: WARRIOR WOMEN directors Christina D. King & Elizabeth Castle

“WARRIOR WOMEN is the story of American Indian Movement leader, Madonna Thunder Hawk, who cultivated a rag-tag gang of activist children, including her daughter Marcy, into the “We Will Remember” Survival Group as a Native alternative to government-run boarding schools. Their deep involvement with The Movement fight for Native rights made them more comrades than […]

Hot Docs 2017 Interview: Nathan Fitch and Bryan Chang Discuss the Importance of the Micronesian Voice in ‘Island Soldier’

Island Soldier Hot Docs 2017 Nathan Fitch Bryan Chang

On one of the rainiest days in Toronto this year, I had the pleasure of speaking with some of the filmmakers behind Island Soldier. I was glad to hear that director Nathan Fitch and producer Bryan Chang were able to enjoy some sunshine in Toronto before the rainy weekend, but even more excited to talk about this […]

Hot Docs 2017: Island Soldier

Island Soldier Hot Docs 2017

 Nathan Fitch. USA. 85 Minutes. More Info. Island Soldier opens with a sobering shot; we’re at the funeral of a fallen soldier, Sapuro Nena. In the Federated States of Micronesia, the Islanders are able to enlist in the U.S. military and receive financial assistance for their service as per the contract set out in the Compact Free […]