Top 10 Movies of 2015

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat 2015 was a fantastic year for movies. There were brilliant popcorn flicks, (Ant-Man, Kingsman: The Secret Service and Furious 7) thought provoking dramas (Spotlight, Sicario and Bridge of Spies) and all around intriguing films (The Revenant, The Assassin and Chi-Raq). When judging my top 10 movies of 2015 I tried to find the balance between the most […]

Trumbo – One Legend of the Screen Playing Another

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat Hollywood has a fascination with itself that no other industry has. It constantly makes mistakes, and loves to project those mistakes onto the biggest screen possible… and then give the people behind the film awards. But thankfully this doesn’t mean boring, non-entertaining documentaries, but rather fascinating biopics that feature fantastic acting, top […]