Almost entirely bypassing a theatrical release due to the nature of our planet and in the exhibition, almost everyone saw WONDER WOMAN 1984 in some digital form or another. While I did quickly review the movie back in its Virtual Theatrical release (and on HBO Max for a few weeks in the US) as all […]
4k content reviews via 4k UHD disc or Apple TV
THE CROODS A NEW AGE on 4k Ultra HD – Wowsers.

It has been many years since the first CROODS movie came out, 2013 in fact, and while I remember liking the movie when I saw it in the theatre, I pretty much moved on and forgot about it ever since. When a sequel was announced I was a bit surprised. Didn’t we say all we […]
TENET 4k HDR Disc Review – Home Video to The Next Level

There is a LOT many people have said about Christopher Nolan’s time-bending action adventure TENET which, like seemingly every movie right now in online discourse, has come with much derision over its reaction. Which is getting so common now that I pretty much just tell anyone to see every movie you want to see and […]
Train To Busan Presents Peninsula – 4k Blu Ray Review

Any fans of the original TRAIN TO BUSAN, which is currently streaming on Amazon Prime if you haven’t seen it yet, will immediately be sold on the sequel PENINSULA (also including a TRAIN TO BUSAN PRESENTS title beforehand), which is in the world of the same zombie apocalypse taking place as the first movie but […]
4k Blu Ray Review – THE INVISIBLE MAN

THE INVISIBLE MAN is one of the best recent examples of horror/thriller cinema. More in the vein of Hitchcock, this is a remake produced by Jason Blum’s production company, Blumhouse Pictures, which I take as a sign of quality with a slight nod to Roger Corman. Most of their titles are low budget with an […]