Certainly a movie that has taken a LONG time to get off the ground, DUNE is a movie that comes with a lot of history and many attempts to get it to the big screen. I remember seeing the 4k laser IMAX screening of Dune at last year’s Toronto International Film Festival where it made […]
4k content reviews via 4k UHD disc or Apple TV
INFINITE ON 4k – Wahlberg in Shoulda Been Big Screen Action

A sci-fi actioner that I feel like we don’t see much anymore, INFINITE is a movie that does NOT feature a Marvel or DC character, is not a sequel or something based on familiar material. So before you click off this review because you have lost interest already, think back to the time when movie […]
THE SUICIDE SQUAD on 4k Blu Ray – James Gunn Reboots It Better

Although I feel tired-out more than usual these days with all of the Superhero/IP/Franchises plaguing theatre screens, there’s something just fun and tangible about THE SUICIDE SQUAD which un-does a lot of the misery of the 2016 debacle SUICIDE SQUAD, a movie where it’s only redeeming qualities were a few gorgeous shots of Yonge Street […]
THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION 4k Blu Ray Review – Get Busy Livin’

I have not seen THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION in many, many years. Regarded as one of the finest contemporary movies ever made by critics and audiences (going so far as to infamously being regarded as the highest rated movie on the Internet Movie Database), some may not know that this did NOT do very well on […]
A Clockwork Orange in 4k – Ultra High Def is Viddy Well

Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 follow-up to his legendary space picture 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY has always been a curiosity to me, in that the master auteur goes from the most influential sci-fi movie ever made to a much smaller picture that rests in the small but powerful catalogue of Kubrick’s work. It’s one that I feel like […]
INGLORIOUS BASTERDS 4k Review – Huntin’ Ultra High Def Nazis

A big, ultra-violent and very dialogue driven picture from the crazy mind of Quentin Tarantino, the 2009 INGLORIOUS BASTERDS absolutely wowed me on initial viewing, leading me to see it a couple of times in theatres just for all the details. It’s Tarantino’s love for movies and especially revisionist history (which has transferred all the […]
SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY 4k – It’s A Looney Looney Ultra High Def Movie!

So here you have a mixture of live action and animation featuring a star more known for his basketball skills than his acting with endless references. Beyond dumb, overlong and filled with references and jokes….I still somewhat enjoyed SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACY, the long-delayed sequel to the 1996, Joe Pytka directed cult classic that […]
INDIANA JONES COLLECTION on 4k – Keeping Up With The Joneses in Ultra High-Def

The adventure of Indy is now at its most visual best. This much-awaited 4k release sees a full restoration of all of the Indiana Jones movies and it is a release to celebrate. It took me a bit of time to power through this incredible film series, but the work was worth it. These are […]
STAR TREK: THE FOUR MOVIE COLLECTION in 4k – Beam Up That Ultra High-Def

To boldly go. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the TREK feature movies. I grew up watching the original series along with THE NEXT GENERATION, and it was a great childhood memory to sit with the family and watch all of the widescreen laserdiscs. At the time that I was […]
In The Heights 4k Review – Just Listen To The Block

I raved about IN THE HEIGHTS back in June, right around the time when theatres reopened. I was lucky to catch a theatrical screening in a REALLY good theatre and the entire experience of a group of well-intentioned characters trying to make it in the New York suburb of Washington Heights a part musical, part […]
THE CONJURING 3: THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT on 4k – Boo, Made You Look!

Even in a sea of horror franchises, there’s something that really stands out about THE CONJURING and its offshoot, the ANNABELLE series. Like with many features this year, THE CONJURING has been delayed for quite a while and finally enjoyed a successful theatrical release. The Warrens (the always terrific Patrick Wilson and Vera Farminga) return […]
A QUIET PLACE PART II on 4k – Ultra High Def Spooks

One of the many examples of a studio picture that waited it out through the pandemic, A QUIET PLACE PART II has been awaited by many film fans ever since its initial delay right at the beginning of the world change in March, 2020. In fact, I even had tickets booked for a special double […]
Almost Famous 4k Review – The Golden God of Ultra High Def

On the road with Stillwater. What a glorious time. For William Miller (Patrick Fugit), a teenage kid who fell in love with music and could also write about it, got the chance to go on the road with the up and coming band and get to see the first-hand experiences of an up-and-coming band in […]
TOMB RAIDER 2-Movie Collection on 4k – Angelina in Ultra High-Def!

It was a pivotal summer in the year of 2001 and a pivotal mass-budget epic was about to be released onto unsuspecting eyeballs. Its viewers would forever be changed as a timeless blockbuster took over the world…. …okay, maybe LARA CROFT TOMB RAIDER was not THAT important. It was already a busy summer at the […]
THE TEN COMMANDMENTS 4k HDR Disc Review – Holy Moses This Looks Amazing!

Oh Moses, Moses! Oh, movies from a different era! Produced in the grand epic time of the 1950s, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, the biblical epic starring the legendary Charlton Heston as our hero Moses and the telling of the Holy Scriptures from his uprising, his biblical learning all the way to parting the red sea to […]