Going to your first ever Fan Expo event? Feeling a little overwhelmed and don’t know what to expect? Don’t worry! Every year, more people are attending Fan Expo for the first time. Luckily for you, veteran Fan Expo attendees have some tips for you on how to navigate the event. We’ve compiled some of the most useful tips from Fan Expo Canada’s Facebook thread to save you some time, but if you have a chance you should definitely read all of the tips!
1. Pack water, food, and snacks
If you plan on staying at Fan Expo all day, you’ll need water and food to, you know, stay alive! It may be hard to find a table to eat at, so bring something that’s portable and easy to eat and clean up.
2. Don’t forget these not essential, but still important things!
Portable charger for your phone, a binder with plastic protective sleeves for your autographs and pictures, extra tote bags to put your purchases, some bandaids, and extra layers in case it gets cold.
3. Wear comfortable shoes
You’ll be walking around a lot, so even if the shoes don’t match your cosplay outfit, it’s a sacrifice your feet will thank you for at the end of the day.
4. Plan your days around which panels and autograph/photo sessions you want to attend
Prioritize which are the more important, but you should also be willing to be a little flexible. Try to arrive to the celebrity panel or autograph session at least half an hour before it’s scheduled to start.
5. Be prepared to wait (and wait, and wait) in lines
Bring a book to read while you wait in line. Or make friends with other people in line! You’re all in this together.
6. Wear deodorant
This tip came up more than we expected in the Facebook thread…
7. Bring cash and stick to a budget
The ATM lines can get quite long, so it’s better to have a little more on hand than you think you’ll need. Keep that money in a safe spot so you don’t become a victim of theft. That being said, stick to your budget so you’re not surprised at how much money you ended up spending.
8. Shop around before you commit to a purchase
Sometimes different vendors will sell the same thing at difference prices. If you’ve got your eye on something and you’re not afraid of it selling out, come back at the end of the day or on the last day of Fan Expo. Vendors may discount their items just because they don’t want to have to pack every thing back up! You might get a sweet deal from it.
9. Don’t be shy to ask for a picture with a cosplayer
Be nice about it. Cosplayers love it when people compliment their costumes – they usually spend a lot of time preparing for events like these! Don’t grab or touch anyone without asking first. And remember, they’re just people and they can get tired too, so sometimes they might say no to your photo request.
10. And, most importantly, HAVE FUN!
Wow I’m impressed hope I make it there today
Wow I’m impressed was feeling under the water yesterday but today there is hopes of making it there fun stuff .wow first time hearing of comic con pop art culture