Contest: Enter to Win Passes to the Advance Screening of “Deepwater Horizon”

Elevation Pictures and Get Reel Movies want to take readers and listeners to an advanced screening of Deepwater Horizon! Screenings will take place in Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Victoria and Halifax on Wednesday, September 28, 2016.


On April 20th, 2010, one of the largest man-made disaster occurred on the Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico. Directed by Peter Berg (Lone Survivor), this story honors the brave men and women whose heroism would save many on board, and change everyone’s lives forever.

Check out the trailer:


Deepwater Horizon Poster.jpg

To enter to win, click “like” on this Post at GET REEL MOVIES ON FACEBOOK, and comment with your favourite disaster movie! Also indicate your City. Or “retweet” this GET REEL MOVIES TWEET and reply with your city choice. Good luck to all of you!

Elevation Pictures releases Deepwater Horizon on Friday, September 30, 2016.

(Photo/video credit: Elevation Pictures)

46 Replies to “Contest: Enter to Win Passes to the Advance Screening of “Deepwater Horizon””

  1. Husband would love seeing this movie! Winnipeg Please.

  2. Would love to see this movie in Vancouver BC

  3. In Calgary

  4. Edmonton

  5. Vancouver, please

  6. Vancouver, Thanks.

  7. Love to see this – Vancouver please

  8. Vancouver please and thanks

  9. Lorraine Danielson says: Reply

    Don’t realize how dangerous some jobs really are….. I would love to see this movie in Winnipeg!

  10. Vancouver please!!!
    Thank you for the opportunity

  11. Vancouver please

  12. Vancouver please. Thanks a lot

  13. Thanks – Vancouver please.

  14. Vancouver. Thank-you

  15. Ottawa S.V.P

  16. Vancouver, please. Thank you!

  17. Edmonton please! Thanks!

  18. Calgary, please.

  19. Calgary please!

  20. CALGARY Please and Thank You 🙂

  21. VANCOUVER – thanks a lot.

  22. Thanks a lot – Vancouver, please.

  23. Vancouver please – thanks a lot.

  24. looks good edmonton please

  25. Winnipeg, Big Mark Wahlberg fan

  26. The 1970’s Earth Quake movie and TOwering inferno, Vancouver please

  27. VAncouver BC please I run a movie meet up call Vancouver movie and music fans on meet and would love some passes for our members

  28. Calgary please. Would love to see this movie.

  29. Halifax please

  30. Edmonton, please

  31. calgary!

  32. Calgary, please

  33. Would absolutely be THRILLED to see this in Ottawa! Mark Wahlberg is my all-time favourite actor, and I’d love to see this exciting new movie!!

  34. Calgary please

  35. Ottawa, Please. Many thanks!

  36. vancouver would be great! thanks,

  37. Ben Pascolo-Neveu says: Reply

    Ottawa please!

  38. Dartmouth/Halifax, Nova Scotia

  39. Victoria bc please

  40. Calgary Please and thank you. I would love to take my hubby to this one.

  41. VANCOUVER BC please

  42. Halifax, NS. #yhz
    I would love to see this…Thanks so much for the chance!!

  43. I want to see this in the theater so much!!
    Winnipeg please!

  44. Calgary please I would love to see this film, Love to see Kate work with her dad.

  45. […] Get Reel Movies – Toronto, Vancouver, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Victoria and Halifax […]

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