HotDocs 2018 Interview – WOMEN OF THE VENEZUELAN CHAOS director Margarita Cadenas

“My movie is about five women from Venezuela, from different backgrounds and generations. They draw a portrait of a chaotic society and allow us to take the pulse of a population in distress. It represents a sort of barometer of the worsening critical situation in this Latin American nation.” Director Margarita Cadenas on WOMEN OF […]

HotDocs 2018 Interview: WARRIOR WOMEN directors Christina D. King & Elizabeth Castle

“WARRIOR WOMEN is the story of American Indian Movement leader, Madonna Thunder Hawk, who cultivated a rag-tag gang of activist children, including her daughter Marcy, into the “We Will Remember” Survival Group as a Native alternative to government-run boarding schools. Their deep involvement with The Movement fight for Native rights made them more comrades than […]

Happy National Canadian Film Day!

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 marks the fifth annual National Canadian Film Day, an annual celebration of Canadian cinema in our own very, very, very big backyard. Through my annual film festival pilgrimage to Toronto, Vancouver and Whistler Film Festivals I see a large amount of Canadian productions from all corners of the country. To celebrate […]

SxSW 2018 Interview: BEING FRANK: THE CHRIS SIEVEY STORY director Steve Sullivan

  “Being Frank: The Chris Sievey Story is a documentary about the maverick Manchester comedian and showbiz superstar in the papier-mâché head, Frank Sidebottom and the real life of his creator, the mysterious and rarely seen artist and singer/songwriter Chris Sievey. It’s a very strange, hilarious and moving tale and it’s all true. You couldn’t […]