By: Movie Rob After the death of JFK, Lyndon Johnson becomes President and must deal with passing a Civil Rights Bill which will start the begin to pave the way towards Equal rights for Blacks while in the throes of running a campaign to be re-elected as President. I have always been a fan of […]
tv review
11.22.63 – TV Review

By: Movie Rob 11.22.63 tells the story of a man who discovers a way to travel back in time to 1960 and stop a future event from occurring that will change the world as we know it. I have been a fan of Stephen King books for more than 25 years and despite not liking his horror novels, […]
Daredevil S1 E1 “Into the Ring” – TV Review

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat Season 2 of Daredevil is out on Netflix and I can honestly say that it’s some of the best TV ever. So in honor of the fantastic second season I decided to go back and re-watch season 1 of Daredevil and Jessica Jones and review each premiere and finale in preparation of Luke Cage this September. Sit back and enjoy… […]
Ballers S1 E1 “Pilot” – TV Review

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat The amount of original, critically brilliant content HBO puts out on a yearly basis is amazing. From Silicon Valley to Game of Thrones HBO puts out content that draws in fans and critics alike creating an almost cult like status. But ladies and gentlemen I bring tidings of great joy. HBO have finally produced […]
House of Cards S4 E1 “Chapter 40” – TV Review

By: Daniel Chadwick-Shubat (Spoilers Ahead) The epitome of good TV is a concept that people can buy into and watch for hours on end. House of Cards has offered that for years, now going into it’s 4th season it has once again proved to be a thoroughly entertaining and addicting show. Many people complained that nothing happened in […]