By: Debbie Wang Are there ever enough movies about unsung heroes from Holocaust? Maybe. But perhaps we need these films, like The Zookeeper’s Wife, now more than ever. With all that’s going on in the world and the current political climate, we need stories about compassionate people to remind us that hate cannot win. In Niki […]
true story
Interview: George Mendeluk & ‘Bitter Harvest’

I had the chance to see Bitter Harvest at the Kingston Canadian Film Festival and after the festival Mr. Mendeluk was kind enough to grant an interview over the phone. We talked a lot about the history behind this movie and also dived into the making of the film with some interesting tidbits coming up. […]
Sully – Competent Filmmaking

By: Ali Habous Legendary director and actor Client Eastwood keeps defying all odds and coming back for more. At the age of 86, his storytelling mastery is still at full display even if he is not as enthusiastic to take on something more original or fictional. The director of American classics like Unforgiven, Million Dollar […]
Anthropoid – Gripping WW2 Thriller Falls Short of Greatness

By: Ali Habous I couldn’t help wondering while watching Anthropoid how the producers and filmmakers managed to land this one in the theaters at this point in time. In a season full of big budget action movies and romantic comedies filling up the theaters everywhere, here we have a movie based on the true story of […]