Christopher Nolan is one of the greatest directors working today. There’s no point in arguing about that because everyone seems to agree. From Memento to The Dark Knight to Inception, Nolan has crafted genre bending films that stay with you forever. Dunkirk, however, was the first time Nolan would be making a movie based on a true story. A huge undertaking, […]
cillian murphy
‘Free Fire’ is Insane for All the Right Reasons

By: Alex Perez Spanning in at a quick 90 minute runtime, director Ben Wheatley decided it would be a good idea to film a movie precariously set on a group of characters shooting guns at each other the whole time. He certainly did that with Free Fire, and when it works, it works very well. […]
Anthropoid – Gripping WW2 Thriller Falls Short of Greatness

By: Ali Habous I couldn’t help wondering while watching Anthropoid how the producers and filmmakers managed to land this one in the theaters at this point in time. In a season full of big budget action movies and romantic comedies filling up the theaters everywhere, here we have a movie based on the true story of […]