The UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT is the ultimate “meta” movie! Nicolas Cage plays one of his most difficult roles, playing himself. well, a fictional version of himself; which may be close to his true self. According to Cage it was not easy getting into his own head. This is one of the most “Cageian” films you will ever see made by the man. Some of you know the term “Goes full Nic Cage” and if you’re a fan of Cage’s acting, you will love this movie. The facial expressions in this movie are worth the prize of seeing this film with an audience in a theater.
Nicolas Cage, playing himself, is desperate for money, He takes an offer of One Million Dollars to attend a rich fan’s birthday party in Mallorca, Spain. The fan is played by the Mandalorian himself Pedro Pascal. He learns too late that he might have gotten himself involved with a dangerous criminal organization. His number one fan might be a dangerous crime lord.
I knew that this was going to be a comedy; but I was not expecting that it would then turn into an action film. I l laugh out loud, and those action scenes were well done. So far this is the most fun I had with a live audience in a cinema this year. Many of the scenes in the film parody Cage’s most iconic roles. They also mention some of Cage’s most underrated movies like the now forgotten GUARDIANG TESS and the more recent CROODS sequel (which our managing editor liked on 4k disc!).
Pascal and Cage have amazing chemistry here. The way Pedro looks at Nic Cage in some scenes and you believe that he is one of his biggest fans. He shows the biggest puppy dog eye look whenever he sees Cage and I want to see these two make more movies together. He knows he is the actor that brings light into this dark world with his acting. The two forge the best bromance of the year and maybe even so far in this decade. You will laugh throughout this movie and feel so much better about the world.
It’s amazing seeing filmmaker Tom Gormican’s vision of the fictional real life of Nicolas Cage. We should all be glad that this film got made and were able to spend an hour and half in this world. If you’re a fan of Nicolas Cage THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT should be considered essential viewing.
THE UNBEARABLE WEIGHT OF MASSIVE TALENT is coming to Canadian theatres via Mongrel Media in April and LionsGate in the United States.
This film and many others like it will be showing at South By Southwest taking place March 11-20. For more information point your browser to www.sxsw.com!