It’s another Get Reel Giveaway and it’s a BIG one! Of course you know that TOP GUN MAVERICK is the biggest movie of 2022. We loved the movie when it came out and it has also had our team go back to see it several times!
Our partners at Paramount have sent us a few Digital Copy codes! Yes, that means you get the chance to OWN a copy of MAVERICK on Apple TV in full 4k/HDR/Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos glory along with over 110 minutes in iTunes Extras. We’ll also have a review of the 4k Blu Ray coming in early November, but this is a great opportunity to own a copy of the movie which is now at a $24.99 value.
ABOUT: After more than thirty years of service as one of the Navy’s top aviators, Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot and dodging the advancement in rank that would ground him. When he finds himself training a detachment of Top Gun graduates for a specialized mission the likes of which no living pilot has ever seen, Maverick encounters Lt. Bradley Bradshaw (Miles Teller), call sign: “Rooster,” the son of Maverick’s late friend and Radar Intercept Officer Lt. Nick Bradshaw, aka “Goose”. Facing an uncertain future and confronting the ghosts of his past, Maverick is drawn into a confrontation with his own deepest fears, culminating in a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those who will be chosen to fly it.
Enter below and please follow the instructions in order to be selected to win! Click on our Contests tag too, as we have many concurrently running contests!
How to Enter:
Fill out the form below! Exact title of movie must be in every entry to work with our email entry system. In this case simply enter “TOP GUN MAVERICK Contest” to enter. Any entries different from this title will not be accepted, and do not include additional characters or comments in the film entry title. Contest is for an Apple TV code and you must have an Apple ID account and know/understand how to redeem a winning code to enter. Contest runs from August 25th to 28th. Also read full rules/regulations below:
All contests on Get Reel Movies are for Canadian Residents 18 & over. This contest is for an Apple TV copy and all entrants must have an Apple TV account to enter and win, along with fully understanding how to redeem a code if selected to win. Winners will be contacted by our contest business email to confirm message and must respond within 24 hours, then a link will be sent after confirmation. Team GRM reserves the right to restrict winners from all future contests if they do not have a Apple ID account nor understand how to redeem a code into their library once contacted as winner. Winning copies are for personal use of recipient only in their household. Redistributing, sharing or selling links is illegal. Per our privacy policy we will not publicly reveal winners and close this contest at our discretion. Contest winners will be logged in our system on date of contact and will not be able to win another contest for thirty (30) days from confirmation of contest prizing. By entering this contest, recipient agrees to all of these terms. Any additional questions? Shoot us an email at the “contact” button at the top!

Awesome movie saw it in theaters