We can’t stop with the Get Reel Giveaways! Enter below to win a Digital Copy of NAKED SINGULARITY on Apple TV from our pals at LevelFilm!
ABOUT: Starring John Boyega, Olivia Cooke, Bill Skarsgård, Ed Skrein, Linda Lavin, and Tim Blake Nelson.
Naked Singularity tells the story of Casi (John Boyega), a promising young NYC public defender whose idealism is beginning to crack under the daily injustices of the very justice system he’s trying to make right. Doubting all he has worked for and seeing signs of the universe collapsing all around him, he is pulled into a dangerous high-stakes drug heist by an unpredictable former client (Olivia Cooke) in an effort to beat the broken system at its own game.
The movie is based on the novel, A Naked Singularity, by Sergio De La Pava & directed by Chase Palmer.
How to Enter:
Fill out the form below to enter! Exact title of movie must be in every entry to work with our email entry system (please avoid additional words/characters). Contest is for an Apple TV code and you must have an Apple ID account and know how to redeem a winning code to enter. Contest runs from August 17th to 20th. Please also read full rules/regulations below:
All contests on Get Reel Movies are for Canadian Residents 18 & over. This contest is for an Apple TV (iTunes) copy and all entrants must have an Apple ID to enter and win, along with fully understanding how to redeem a code. Winners will be contacted by our contest business email to confirm message and then a link will be sent. Team GRM reserves the right to restrict winners from all future contests if they do not have an Apple ID nor understand how to redeem a code into their library once contacted as winner. Winning copies are for personal use of recipient only. Redistributing, sharing, selling links is illegal. Per our privacy policy we will not publicly reveal winners and close this contest at our discretion. Contest winners will be logged in our system on date of contact and will not be able to win another contest for one month from confirmation of contest. Any questions? Shoot us an email at the “contact” button at the top!

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