SxSW 2021 Review – KID CANDIDATE

We hope that you are enjoying our SxSW reviews and interviews for the at-home SxSW Online. This is such a change from lining up all day for screenings when I can make my own coffee and breakfast in the same room as my home theatre. I still miss the cinematic experience, but this online experience is pretty cool! Today we’re taking a look at a Texas-based documentary that really makes me miss the state from my little island in Canada.

KID CANDIDATE (United States/Texas, dir. Jasmine Stodel) *** out of ****

It’s great to see small indie documentaries about subjects in small towns as I really feel there are a million stores all over the world that I want to see. Immediately as KID CANDIDATE starts, we are completely involved in the young Hayden Pedigo, a 24 year old kid who runs for Amarillo City Council and creates a small following after he creates a video that is reminiscent of old Harmony Korine’s GUMMO. It’s unusual for such a young kid to run for office but his intelligence and likeable personality make him really stand out. That and the video IS hilarious and would get me to vote for him!

What’s interesting to me is how Hayden is such an interesting young individuals who seems to come from an older generation. Looking a bit like a younger Michael Cera from SUPERBAD, Hayden is clearly someone who is sensitive and even admits that he is hard on himself at times and “beats himself up” over his past mistakes, something of which I think we could all relate to at that age. I even liked how it showed opinions from other local politicians that disagreed with him, showing the divide in opinion in their local town. 

KID CANDIDATE, in a light and brisk 70 minute presentation with low-res titles and location maps slightly matching Hayden’s DIY personality (shoutout to director Jasmine Stodel for this fun design), is a subject that is set far away from me but is a strong reminder of how there are great and inspiring people everywhere around us that are inspiring change around them.

Kid Candidate is now streaming on SxSW Online!

Director: Jasmine Stodel, Producers: Jasmine Stodel, Chevis LaBelle, William Dorrien-Smith

This film and many others like it will be showing at the virtual South By Southwest taking place March 16-20th. For more information and to register for the festival, point your browser to!

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